Do more of what makes you awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome


I love introducing my readers to great companies that align with my brand. Whether your brand is food, fitness, fashion, home décor, DIY, or appliances related, if your brand aligns with living a healthy lifestyle we should talk! To get a better idea if our brands would make a good fit, feel free to check out my blog and read more about me here.

Advertising Options

I offer traditional sidebar banner advertising, please send me an email at for further information on sizes and pricing with "Advertising Options" in the subject line.

Product Reviews & Giveaways

If you would like a product review or inclusion in a giveaway, lets chat about fun ways we can do so. Send me an email at with "Product Reviews/Giveaways" in the subject line.

Sponsored Content

If you are interested in looking to get your brand featured in a post, send me an email at with "Sponsored Content" in the subject line and let’s come up with fun creative ways to showcase your brand.

Additional Information

Please remember that all content and opinions on Sincerely, Stephanie Anne are entirely my own and given in honesty. I will not include a product review at all if I am not 100% satisfied with the product or if I feel it does not coincide with the values of my blog. If I do however love your product, you will be sure to know it and I will share it with all of my lovely readers.

I also have the right to refuse to work with any brand or company that does not fit my philosophy and relevancy to the readers. For more details please read the disclosure policy.

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