Do more of what makes you awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome

My Weightloss Journey

I was never over weight as a child. In fact I was pretty active. My weight didn’t go up until I hit puberty. I guess all that candy and soda caught up with me. However, once I started high school, the weight came off. I was a cheerleader and a cheer coach so most of my time was spent running around, jumping around, and being energetic. This continued throughout high school and a year or so after. Then college happened.

Freshman 15? No way, more like the Freshman 40.  Obviously it didn’t happen all at once, my weight started to climb gradually, but I didn’t notice because I was having fun. I suppose the discovery of beer pong, flip-cup, beer bongs, and keg stands had something to do with it. Not to mention all the pizza, macaroni and cheese, and chips that were devoured pulling those all nighters. I didn’t work-out at all and just partied while enjoying time spent with friends. At this point I didn't even have the energy to debate it. I could barely make it to work and class some days let alone exerting all of my energy at a gym, or so I told myself.

As a result, at the age of twenty-three and 5’8” tall, I was at my highest weight; 185 lbs.  


I wasn’t happy at my heaviest, but I wasn’t motivated to do anything about it until a proposal from my boyfriend (now husband) in 2011 put things into perspective. The night was fantastic, but I quickly lost my newly engaged glow when I saw the photos from that night. Looking at physical proof, I was embarrassed by how much weight I had gained. Every photo was a “bad” photo of me. 

Soon after, I joined a gym and decided to lose the weight. I knew that I wanted to make a lifestyle change rather than just dieting, I wanted it to be permanent. Because of this decision, I became extremely passionate about eating healthy and exercising. I even discovered my absolute love for running.


Almost a year and a half year later, in the summer of 2013, I finally reached my goal weight of 130 pounds and I currently fluctuate between that and 125. My weight loss didn’t happen overnight- in fact it took a pretty long time- but it was because I wasn’t “dieting”. Through trial and error and figuring out what worked best for me, I made lifestyle changes, which have stuck with me today.

I am now committed to maintaining my weight without missing out on life, like birthday celebrations or nights out with friends and holidays. Hopefully my tips and tricks are helpful to you as well and you'll share some of your own secrets and success with me too.


Stephanie Anne

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