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My Move Back "HOME" to Florida: Part 1 Introduction

Saturday, December 20, 2014
Sometimes I still wonder why I left the colorful state of Colorado. Days like today when I just want to grab my camera, camelback, and hiking boots, hop in the Jeep and head straight for a trail-head. I feel like I found a bit of myself out there. But- and even though I miss that state dearly- I will never regret the trade-off for it all; family and friends. Not to mention my recent acceptance into a Respiratory Therapy program that I am utterly thrilled about.

My heart is happy here and that is why I decided that the 2,200 mile move back to Florida was the best decision for me, for now anyway. Despite the frequent yearnings of that fresh, crisp, Colorado air. Who knows, I just might make it back there someday.

So I packed up the Jeep and off I went. The drive would have only been 1,850 miles but I decided to make a road trip out of it. Stopping in cities that I've always wanted to visit but never had the chance to. I absolutely loved every minute of it, too. Just thinking about the open roads and the pretty destinations has me daydreaming of my next road trip. But until then I will share with you my most recent.

Given that I habitually take a TON of pictures, you can only imagine how many I have from this trip alone. So to elude an exceptionally long post, I will do you the favor and break the trip up a bit.
Here’s what you have to look forward to:

Part 1- Introduction (what you’re reading now)
Part 2- Santa Fe, New Mexico
Part 3- Dallas, Texas
Part 4- New Orleans, Louisiana

I can't wait to share My Move Back "HOME" to 
Florida with you!


Stephanie Anne

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