Do more of what makes you awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome

Gasparilla Distance Classic 15K

Monday, December 22, 2014

Roughly, about a year ago, I fixed my heart on running a half marathon. I even registered for the Denver Rock ‘n’ Roll Half for 2014 but with the move back to Florida I couldn’t make it happen. But that’s okay. I already have plans to run a half marathon in November of 2015 and to hold myself over I have decided to run a 15K (9.32 miles) in February at the Gasparilla Distance Classic in Tampa.

I searched the internet high and low for a training plan that would fit my needs; no luck there. There are two things that I love most about the weekends, exploring breweries on Friday night and hitting the farmer’s market with a latte in hand on Saturday morning.

If you’ve ever run a long distance run- a 15K, a 10-miler, a half or even a full marathon, then you know how quickly weekends can lose their appeal. For months you respectfully decline invites to any and all social gatherings happening on a Friday night and spend half of your Saturday running the countless miles that you’ve been be anxious about all week.  

I don’t mind putting in the time or the miles, but I’ve realized that the weekend long run is by far my least favorite part about training. So with all that taken into consideration I have decided to schedule my long runs on Friday mornings and leave the weekend for fun.

My weekly workout agenda for the next 8 weeks incorporates 3 days of running, 2 days of cross training, 1 day of stretch and strengthening, and 1 day of rest. I put this plan together for myself a couple weeks ago, by modifying two different training plans I was able to put together a plan to better fit my needs and comfort.

Call me crazy by only scheduling one day for rest but this is ultimately the goal. Of course, I will listen to my body and rest when needed, regardless of what my training plan says. Happy Running!

Runners, how do you prepare yourself for a long distance run?

P.S. I am not a personal trainer nor am I a running coach. What works for me, may not work for you. As always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen.


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