Do more of what makes you awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome

Gasparilla Distance Classic 15K Recap

Sunday, March 1, 2015
I apologize for the serious lack of posting. Where the heck did the time go? Oh wait, I know…school, work, and training. I still can’t believe it’s been 8 weeks though. I really wanted to keep all of you updated throughout my training for the Gasparilla Distance Classic, boo. I promise I will be better next time around.

Anyway, this happened last weekend, my first official long distance race at the Gasparilla Distance Classic 15K.

On race day way I woke up way too excited, around 4:00 A.M. I made myself some breakfast (a bagel with peanut butter and a banana), warmed up my muscles and got a really good stretch in. Before I knew it, 6:00 A.M. rolled around and it was time to head out. For some reason we didn’t account for blocked roads and detours and I found myself getting into the corral just in the nick of time. I swear I only had a few minutes to spare and before I knew it, it was go time.

I spent the first few miles worried about my knees, hoping that they didn’t act up and luckily they didn’t (thank you KT tape!). Other than that, the race was great. I tried to conserve my energy and maintain my pace but given the excitement I occasionally sped up. Before I knew it, I was a mile out. I even texted my husband “one more mile!” followed by “I’ll be on my left crossing.” Can you tell I was a little excited? I even got a little emotional. 

Crossing the finish line was an incredible feeling. I felt strong, proud, and completely accomplished. Beating my own personal record, I finished the race in 01:28:08, average pace of 9:27/mi.

Now ask me if all the hours of training, sore muscles, midnight calf cramps, ice packs, and miles and miles of running was worth it? Totally, 100%. Would I do it again? Absolutely. The training was tough, but the race itself was completely amazing. I’m more in love with running than I ever have been before. I’m already itching for my next one. 

I can’t wait to share with you all the races I have lined up for this year, but that’s another story. 

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