Do more of what makes you awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome

Gateway to the Smokies Half Marathon

Monday, March 9, 2015

Remember in my last post when I pointed out that I was already itching for another race? Well, I wasn't kidding. I didn't have another race scheduled until October and man did that seem like forever away, so, I knew I needed to figure something out and believe me when I say, it wasn't easy.

I searched the internet high and low for a half marathon (in Florida) within the next few months and nada, not one. I get it though, who the heck wants to run 13.1 miles in the dreadfully hot-humid summer months of Florida anyway? I'm not that crazy. So, I broadened my horizons and stumbled upon a race in Waynesville, NC. For those of you who don't know, that's about a 35 minute drive west of Asheville and a 605 mile drive from home. Can we say road trip?! Uh huh, wheels are turnin’!

But that's another story well on its own. Let's get back to the race info.

Once I was officially registered for the race I started working on my half marathon training plan. Since this whole trip was decided on a whim, I didn’t have the twelve weeks I would have hoped to have and settled with the eight I did. I went with another Hal Higdon training program, though this time intermediate, but modified it to fit my schedule and needs. My focus for this race is definitely pace. With mixing in tempo runs and 400m fast repeats throughout the week I’ll be able to work on my speed in hopes to improving my overall race pace.

I am beyond excited for this race and even more excited that we are able to make a road trip out of it. I can't wait to share this adventure with you all. 

Officially half marathon training and road trip planning!


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